The High Performance Journal

7 Worst Brain Mistakes

Aug 22, 2022

The other day I was reading a book to my 2 year old daughter.

I don't know if it's because I'm a first time parent but she's pretty damn sharp for her age.

Most people she meets are surprised that she knows as many words as she does.

When we re-read her children's books she's able to finish off the sentences.

I know I'm a biased but I feel that sometimes we have the next Einstein in our family 😂

A big reason for this is because of my wife. She's taken a hands-on approach and we've been blessed that she's been able to stay at home with her while I'm at work.

It's also because my daughter is curious as most kids are & I'd like to think we foster that curiosity.

Her brain is firing, wiring and learning at an incredible rate.

It's unfortunate but as people age they lose that curiosity they had as a child. They fall into old patterns, bad habits and neglect the things the brain needs to survive and thrive.

The human brain is 30x more powerful than the most advanced supercomputer on the planet but most take it for granted.

Like all things, you either use it or you lose it.

I don't know about you but I want my brain to be working as long as I'm alive.

I've got so many things I want to experience and I'm gonna need a healthy brain for them.

I've also seen what happens to people who have dementia and Alzheimers and that's not the future I want for myself or my family.

There are some big mistakes people make when it comes to their brain health.

Check this list to make sure you're not making any of them:

1. Not getting daily exercise

Not exercising on a regular basis is akin to letting the brain atrophy.

Exercise improves memory by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This helps you form new synapses and improves learning & memory.

2. Not eating a diet comprised of nutrient dense foods

What you eat has a great effect on your mind and mood. It improves mental health, decreases risk of cognitive decline & can prevent dementia and Alzheimer's.

Inflammatory foods can also affect the hypothalamus, which is responsible for mood control.

Btw I did a list of foods that will make you smarter on twitter which you can access here.

3. Having a beer belly/Being at a high body fat percentage

Having too much fat in your body decreases blood flow to the brain. This leads to mental decline and can eventually contribute to neurological disease.

High body fat also has been shown to negatively affect the hypothalamus, pre-frontal cortex and the hippocampus.

This is not to say to have zero fat on your body. This is to say that you want to be at a healthy body fat.

4. Not learning new things

The older people get the more averse they are to learning new things. This is silly because it's one of the best ways to create a strong brain.

Learning new skills stimulates neurons & form neural pathways that allow for electrical impulses to travel faster in the brain.

As you get older you need to push yourself to learn. Learn a new language, new instrument.... anything you're interested in.

Whatever you do, never stop learning.

5. Not having a purpose

The biggest mistake in life is to have a life devoid of meaning.

Studies show that having a purpose & meaning in life are correlated with reduced risk of cognitive decline & mental disease.

Humans are meaning making machines. We need a purpose to keep living. The average person waits for meaning to occur in their lives but that's not the way to do it.

We need to create meaning in our lives.

It doesn't matter where it comes from either. It could be the business you're building, the impact you're making or taking care of your family.

My meaning in life is two fold:

1. Be the best dad & husband I can be for my family.
2. Make a positive impact on this world.

This is my meaning. Create one for yourself and get after it.

If you knew you had only one car to drive for your entire lifetime how would you take care of it?

Would you give it oil changes on time? Would you maintain it? Would you listen to the car when the check engine light comes on?

Well, you only get one brain and body in your lifetime & they're trying to give you signals but are you listening?

The key to this list is to do the opposite of it.

In the next blog I'll share with you a plan to boost your brain and keep it as young as it can possibly be as you age.

See you then.

Onwards and upwards,

- Dan

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