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Previous Issues of The High Performance Journal
The High Performance Journal - March 12th, 2024
The process of losing weight can be a long and arduous one.
What most people do is try to find the perfect diet or the best workout program. But the...
Today's issue of 4 Minute Fridays is brought to you by Probiotic+ from Mindbodygreen.
Probiotics are a staple in the Go Household. They improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even...
The High Performance Journal - March 5th, 2024
At the time of writing this, I'm 44 years old.
While I don't consider myself to be old I am starting to see the signs of mid-age decline:
My recovery...
Today's issue is brought to you by The Lean Body 90 course. This is the body transformation system we use to help our private clients get lean, healthy, and improve their energy levels in 90 days...
The High Performance Journal - February 27th, 2024
2023 was a wild year.
It started with moving my family to the West Coast of Canada where we had our second child. We survived our first forest...
Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder Private Coaching. We help entrepreneurs and busy professionals lose weight, trim the belly, and boost energy.
If you're an entrepreneur...