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Previous Issues of The High Performance Journal

4 Minute Fridays: Why We Should Avoid Tap Water, The Secret Benefits Of Creatine & Why Some People Can't Have Six Packs 4 minute fridays Aug 25, 2023

Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder Private Coaching. We help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy, and build healthy bodies if you're an entrepreneur who's...

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The Japanese Secret To Getting Lean And Living Longer 4 minute fridays Aug 22, 2023

The High Performance JournalAugust 22nd 2023

When I was a kid, my parents would always make sure that I ate every piece of food that was on my plate.

They'd try to shame me by saying there...

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4 Minute Fridays: The Best Way To Train For Fat Loss, A Supplement To Reduce Inflammation & Why Steak And Eggs Are The King Of Breakfasts 4 minute fridays Aug 18, 2023


Today's issue is brought to you by High Performance Founder Private Coaching. We help high-achieving entrepreneurs get lean, boost energy, and build healthy bodies. If you're an...

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The Ageless 8: Eight Powerful Exercises To Improve Your Bodies Performance high performance journal Aug 15, 2023

The High Performance JournalAugust 15th 2023

In a previous newsletter, I wrote about the 3 things I'm training to live a long quality life, which are:

  1. Resistance training
  2. Cardiovascular...
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4 Minute Fridays: How To Activate Your Core, Grounding For Health & How To Create Stronger Shoulders Aug 11, 2023
  I take this supplement for sleep every single day:

One of the banes of my existence has been sleep. I would wake up multiple times a night and when I tried to put my head on the pillow...

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7 Foods I Could Never Live Without get lean Aug 08, 2023

The High Performance JournalAugust 8th 2023

One thing you should know about me is that I love keeping things simple.

My life is busy enough as it is. I have a wife to satisfy, children to...

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