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Previous Issues of The High Performance Journal
Hello friend,
You ever get those weeks where you get a lot done but still feel like you're behind the ball? I wonder if this is an entrepreneur or human thing?
This week I posted my first youtube...
The other day I got a blood test and found some surprising results.
Overall, I was doing pretty good. There is room for improvement, especially when it came to my LDL & calcium but I was pleased...
Hello friend,
This week has been quite the transformative one. I learned a great mental framework for gratitude which I'll be sharing with you further down the email.
I also got some bloodwork done...
Awhile ago I got into it with another fitness guy online.
I had posted that intermittent fasting is not a magic bullet for fat loss & he chose to take offence.
It's not surprising either. He...
When I started to get my body in shape I was focused on exercise and diet.
Those are good places to start but if I were able to do it all over again I'd start with fixing my sleeping habits.
Sleep is...